Saturday, 13 April 2013

Posters 2

Another poster from the rom com genre in which we are able to look at is this one for the film valentines day. when looking at this poster , one of the first things in which we are able to notice is that there is a massive heart shape in the middle of it. The outline of the heart is in pink , and this is stereotypically a womens/ girls colour, so it could be connoted from this that this is primerally aimed at a female audience. when we look inside the heart, we are able to see that there are lots of famous faces in it , which may attract audience members to watch because of the amazing cast list. Another thing to note on is that the cast mainly consists of attractive celebrities which may also attract the public to watch. This is common in romcoms as popular attractive actors and actresses are cast a lot in these types of films in order to attact the audience to watch.

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