Monday, 21 January 2013

AS preliminary task

Before we started to think about how to approach the task of creating the beginning of a film , we first had to take on a preliminary task. For this , we would have to film and edit a character opening a door , crossing a room and exchanging conversation with another character. before we started filming , we developed a storyboard :  

Thursday, 10 January 2013

video analysis 2

3x3 from Nuno Rocha on Vimeo.

Mise en scene: set in the gym, security guard wearing shirt and trousers and cleaner wearing overalls shows contrast in importance. Use of basket ball could be seen as connoting the world and who can handle it or not. Gym is place for competition, dog eat dog world.

Camera angles: panning shots used to show around the gym, and on the security guard, focusing on importance of the two. Close up on the net when the guard is taking a shot. Because he succeeds in landing the shot, the sense of achievement is sensed, or could be a representation of the start of something which is going to happen.

Sound: the guard laughs at the cleaners attempt to play basket ball , connoting that more important people look down on the lower classes . The score is very simple , which could also be seen as connoting how simple it could be seen to play basketball.


video analysis 1

Splitscreen: A Love Story from James W Griffiths on Vimeo.

Mise en scene: uses natural lighting, one set in France, one set in America, both meet in London, both got short hair, sunny on her side of bridge, dark on his side, weather dull for him , sunny for her, he’s wearing winter coat , she’s wearing casual jacket , shows contrast.

Camera angles: shot using point of view, always never through the point of view from any other character.

Sound: digetic noises around them, showing that they are both confronted with similar situations. The score of the piano is quite mellow compared to the happy ending when they both meet.

Editing: two shots put together to make a split screen to show each point of view.