Thursday, 2 May 2013

preliminary task - final cut

For the task , we all took on individual roles . My roles were to be the protagonist of the piece , and I also helped Lindsay with editing.

The task in which we took on was to create a short film , consisting of a shot reverse shot , 180 degree rule and had involve someone walking into a room.

During the planning , we discussed at length different ideas , considering whether they would work or not, and we finally settled upon the idea of having the plot be about the protagonist being told shocking news and rushing up to tell people. we then created a story board to accompany our ideas , and this can be seen in a previous post.

For the mise en scene , we decided upon setting the piece in a school , as this would be easy for us to work in a school environment , and would also work well for our piece.
when thinking about camera angles , we decided that we wanted to take and use several different shots , such as tilt shots , close ups and shots which agree with the 180 degree rule ,but would also look good for editing effects.
when looking at sounds , for the score , i came up with the idea of using the intro to the song 'Hysteria' by Muse. I decided this would be good song to use as we wanted to build up tension in our piece , and the intro to Hysteria provided an aid to build this up , as it builds up to a climax. i also decided to use 'Chariots of fire' in our piece as well , as we wanted to add a aspect of humour , and this applies and can be seen at the end of our piece in which you can see for yourself.
when it came to the editing of the piece , the main factor we decided to follow was the 180 degree rule , as we could get many shots from different angles , in order to be creative. We used serif movie plus to do our editing as Lindsay was familiar with using this , and we was able to trim , speed up/slow down sections of film in order to make the piece run smoothly.

Overall , i feel that the piece turned out very well , and that the group worked together well as a team. there was hassle with filming as we had to time when we would have the space to ourselves and would not be interrupted , in which we encountered  a few times when filming. if we were to do the task again , i feel that we should get more filming done , as it would give us more to work with.